Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
'Zip / UnZip file or folder
Public Function Zip(ByVal zipArchivePath As String, ByVal addPath As String) As String
On Error GoTo error
Dim sh As Object
Dim fSource As Object
Dim fTarget As Object
Dim iSource As Object
Dim sourceItem As Object
Dim i As Long
Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set fTarget = sh.NameSpace((zipArchivePath))
If fTarget Is Nothing Then
createZipFile zipArchivePath
Set fTarget = sh.NameSpace((zipArchivePath))
End If
Dim containingFolder As String
Dim itemToZip As String
containingFolder = Left(addPath, InStrRev(addPath, "\"))
itemToZip = Mid(addPath, InStrRev(addPath, "\") + 1)
Set fSource = sh.NameSpace((containingFolder))
For i = 0 To fSource.Items.Count - 1
If fSource.Items.Item((i)).Name = itemToZip Then
Set sourceItem = fSource.Items.Item((i))
Exit For
End If
Next i
fTarget.CopyHere sourceItem
Zip = ""
Exit Function
Zip = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Debug.Print Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , "Zip"
End Function
Public Function UnZip(ByVal zipArchivePath As String, ByVal extractToFolder As String) As String
On Error GoTo error
Dim sh As Object
Dim fSource As Object
Dim fTarget As Object
Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set fSource = sh.NameSpace((zipArchivePath))
Set fTarget = sh.NameSpace((extractToFolder))
fTarget.CopyHere fSource.Items
UnZip = ""
Exit Function
UnZip = Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
Debug.Print Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, , "UnZip"
End Function
Public Sub DeleteFileWithInvokeVerb(ByVal zipArchivePath As String, ByVal deleteFileName As String)
On Error GoTo error
Dim sh As Object
Dim fTarget As Object
Dim iSource As Object
Dim targetItem As Object
Dim i As Long
Set sh = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
Set fTarget = sh.NameSpace((zipArchivePath))
For i = 0 To fTarget.Items.Count - 1
If fTarget.Items.Item((i)).Name = deleteFileName Then
Set targetItem = fTarget.Items.Item((i))
Exit For
End If
Next i
If Not targetItem Is Nothing Then
targetItem.InvokeVerb "Delete"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Sub
Private Function createZipFile(ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo error
Dim fileNo As Integer
Dim ZIPFileEOCD(22) As Byte
'Signature of the EOCD: &H06054b50
ZIPFileEOCD(0) = Val("&H50")
ZIPFileEOCD(1) = Val("&H4b")
ZIPFileEOCD(2) = Val("&H05")
ZIPFileEOCD(3) = Val("&H06")
fileNo = FreeFile
Open fileName For Binary Access Write As #fileNo
Put #fileNo, , ZIPFileEOCD
Close #fileNo
createZipFile = True
Exit Function
createZipFile = False
Debug.Print Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
End Function
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Option Compare Database Option Explicit 'Zip / UnZip file or folder 'http://www.codekabinett.com/rdumps.php?Lang=2&targetDoc...
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